- Action Verbs
- Building Grammar Skills For the TOEFL
- GRE_Equation_Guide_TTP, GRE Glossary 1, GRE Glossary 2
- Transitions
- Transitions Words and Phrases
- Analysis I Cheat Sheet
- Probability & Statistics Cheat Sheet
- Cheat sheet Python Dict Methods
- Cheat sheet Python List Methods
- Cheat sheet Python Set Methods
- Cheat Sheet Python String Methods
- Transitions 3
- Writing brainstorm, Golden reasons for speaking, Golden reasons 2, Golden reasons 3
- Toefl Expressions & Brainstorm (Speak & Write)
- Prepositions
- Prepositionary
- Longman Essay Activator (Summary)
- Longman Topic Activator
- Longman Shit Activator
- Perfect Phrases For The TOEFL - Speaking and Writing
- Longman Dictionary Of Common Errors
- Longman Common Mistakes In English
- Collocations 2, Collocations 3, Collocations 4, Collocations 5
- Python cheat sheet
- Learn Python 3 the Hard Way
- Learn More Python 3 the Hard Way
- Python Crash Course, 2nd Edition
- Idea Bank - Technology (Summary)
- Idea Bank - Education (Summary)
- Idea Bank - Government (Summary)
- Idea Bank - Business (Summary)
- Idea Bank - Health (Summary)
- Idea Bank - Examples
- Git cheat sheet 1
- Git cheat sheet 2
- Git cheat sheet 3
- Git cheat sheet 4
- Matplotlib cheat sheet 1
- Matplotlib for beginners - cheat sheet 2
- Matplotlib for intermediate users - cheat sheet 3
- Matplotlib tips & tricks - cheat sheet 4
- Matplotlib cheat sheet 5
- Cheat sheet deep learning tips tricks
- GRE math review - ETS
- GRE math flashcards
- GRE quant review
- GRE Sentence Equivalence
- NLP with python and NLTK - cheat sheet
- Python in a Nutshell: A Desktop Quick Reference 3rd Edition
- Fluent Python 2nd Edition
- SQL cheat sheet V1
- SQL cheat sheet V2
- Paraphrasing Strategies
- Javascript cheat sheet
- TypeScript Control Flow Analysis
- TypeScript Types
- TypeScript Interfaces
- TypeScript Classes
- CSS3 cheat sheet
- Python cheat sheets
- Matplotlib - List of named colors
- RGB hex colors chart
- Simplicity-The Finer Art Of Creating Software Cheat Sheet
- Agile Poster
- Agile and Scrum Cheat Sheet
- The Ultimate Python Cheat Sheet
- Python Cheat Sheet: Classes
- Python Cheat Sheet: Functions and Tricks
- Python Cheat Sheet: 14 Interview Questions
- Python Cheat Sheet: Keywords
- Python Cheat Sheet: NumPy
- Latex Cheat Sheet
- Probability Cheat Sheet
- ASP Net Core Cheat Sheet
- Python Regular Expressions Cheat Sheet
- Python (RegEx(pressions|p)?)
- .Net Regular Expressions Cheat Sheet
- SQL Commands Cheat Sheet
- HTTP Headers Cheat Sheet
- HTTP Status Codes Cheat Sheet
- The Web Developer's SEO Cheat Sheet
- Redux Cheat Sheet
- 1300 Math Formulas
- Vajename Riazi
- Common English Mistakes
- HTML 5 Cheat Sheet
- Data Visualization Cheat Sheet
- Phrases + ING
- Redundancies
- Betty Azar Grammar - Red Summary (Basic)
- Betty Azar Grammar - Black Summary (Intermediate)
- Betty Azar Grammar - Blue Summary (Advanced)
- LINQ explained with sketches
- Design patterns cheat sheet 1
- Design patterns cheat sheet 2
- Python Notes
- Pandas Notes
- Matplotlib Notes
- NumPy cheat sheet
- SciPy cheat sheet
- Pandas cheat sheet
- Review Probability Theory
- Python String Format
- Grammar Success in 20 Minutes a Day
- English Verb Tenses
- English Grammar in Use 5th
- Guide to NumPy
- Clean Code in Python (2nd)
- Numerical Recipes
- Microsoft-Machine Learning Cheat Sheet
- Machine Learning Cheat Sheet
- Recurrent Neural Network Cheat Sheet
- Linear Algebra Done Right
- Calculus & Derivatives Cheat Sheet
- Statistic Formula
- Convergence Tests
- A Quick Guide to LaTex
- Machine Learning Cheatsheet
- Docker Cheat sheet 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
- AWK Cheat sheet 1, 2
- Grammar and Punctuation Cheat sheet
- Homophones
- Linking Words
- Prepositions Handbook
- Phrasal Verbs
- Shortcut to Collocations
- List vs Set vs Dictionary vs Tuple (Python)
- Rust Programming Fundamentals
- Causative verbs, 2
- Reading Examples, 2, 3
- Speaking Ideas, Fantastic Reasons, Brainstorming cheatsheet
- Speaking topics (blue), Categorized writing topics
- Categorized Phrases
- Summary of collocations, Noteworthy clauses
- English collocations in use - Intermediate
- English collocations in use - Advanced
- English phrasal verbs in use - Advanced
- Computer science teaching at Stanford
- List of Data Science Cheat sheets to rule the world
- Scientific Visualization: Python + Matplotlib
- Python & OpenGL for Scientific Visualization
- From Python to Numpy
- Cambridge Dictionary
- Merriam-Webster Dictionary
- NLP Cheat Sheet
- Machine Learning - Persian
- The Python Graph Gallery
- HTTP Status Codes
- HTTP Headers
- HTTP Relations
- Collecting All Cheat Sheets
- Introduction to Probability textbook
- Top DATA SCIENCE Cheat Sheets (ML, DL, Python, R, SQL, Maths & Statistics)
- Rico's cheat Sheets
- Laws of UX
- Manage HTML DOM with vanilla JavaScript
- HTML, CSS, and JS Cheat Sheets
- React Cheat Sheet
- 90 Days Of DevOps
- 30 Days of PWA
- 30 Days of JavaScript
- Useful links, scripts, tools and best practice for Microsoft SQL Server Database
- SQL Server scripts for health checks and performance tuning
- Automate SQL Server tasks and encourage best practices
- SQL Server Toolbox repository for Tiger team
- SQL Server Scripts for DBAs
- Mathematics for Machine Learning
- Learn from ML experts at Google
- Google's Machine Learning Crash Course
- Learn mathematics for machine learning
- Linear Regression
- Linear Regression 2
- All Algorithms/Data-Structures implemented in Python
- A Hands-on Introduction to Natural Language Processing (NLP)
- ML YouTube Courses
- 4000 Essential English Words 1
- 4000 Essential English Words 2
- 4000 Essential English Words 3
- 4000 Essential English Words 4
- 4000 Essential English Words 5
- 4000 Essential English Words 6
- English Grammar in Use with Answers
- English Vocabulary in Use Elementary
- English Vocabulary in Use Pre-intermediate and Intermediate
- English Vocabulary in Use Upper-intermediate
- English Vocabulary in Use Advanced
- illustrated Everyday Expressions with Stories 1
- illustrated Everyday Expressions with Stories 2
- 250 Ways to Say It in Business English
- More Speak English Like an American
- Mastering the American Accent
- Everyday Conversations: Learning American English
- Easy American Idioms
- English the American Way: A Fun ESL Guide to Language and Culture in the U.S.
- Speak English Around Town
- Speak Business English Like an American
- Speak English Like an American
- Machine Learning Glossary/Cheat Sheet
- Practical Deep Learning
- GRE - Quantitative Walkthroughs
- Speech and Language Processing - Stanford (textbook)
- free-for.dev
- Track Awesome List
- Tips and Tricks C#/.NET
- Pandas - DataFrame Reference
- Python Reference
- Introduction to Scientific Python
- Quick Cheat Sheet/Reference (Python, RegEx, and etc)
- Python for Data Analysis (Book)
- Probabilistic Programming & Bayesian Methods for Hackers
- Developer Roadmaps
- Human Computer Interaction Course
- NLP Course | For You
- Stanford AI Courses
- SQL Server KIT
- Dive into Deep Learning
- Understanding Deep Learning (slides)
- Deep Learning
- Deep Learning Course
- Design Patterns in Python (1, 2, 3)
- AI Notes (Andrew Ng), A Complete Guide to Natural Language Processing
- List of LaTeX mathematical symbols
- Machine Learning tips and tricks cheat sheet
- Recurrent Neural Networks cheatsheet
- Cheat Sheet of Machine Learning and Python (and Math) Cheat Sheets
- LaTeX, 2, 3, 4
- Improve how you architect webapps
- C# Coding Guidelines
- The Comprehensive TEX Archive Network
- Exploring the art of artificial intelligence
- Introduction to Machine Learning Course
- Deep Learning Course
- NeuroSymbolic Artificial Intelligence Course
- Introduction to Pattern Recognition Course
- Data Mining Course
- Probabilistic Graphical Models Course
- Deep Learning Course
- Machine Learning Course
- Speech and Language Processing (NLP) Course
- Natural Language Processing (NLP) Courses
- Fundamentals of Computer Vision Course
- Machine Learning Engineering for Production (MLOps) Specialization on Coursera
- Hands-on ML with Scikit-Learn, Keras & TF by Aurelien Geron
- Natural Language Processing Specialization on Coursera
- Efficient Python Tricks and Tools for Data Scientists
- Coursera AI for Medicine Specialization
- Generative Adversarial Networks Specialization on Coursera
- Preprocessing For Deep Learning
- Top deep learning Github repositories
- Trending deep learning Github repositories
- Deep Learning Specialization on Coursera (2)
- Zero to Mastery Deep Learning with TensorFlow
- The University of Amsterdam Deep Learning Course (notebooks)
- Math in ML
- Jupyter Notebook Gallery 1, Jupyter Notebook Gallery 2
- Deep Learning Notebooks, Data-analysis, preparation, and visualization notebooks, Machine learning notebooks
- Cheatsheet collection for Math, ML, DL, AI. Update frequently
- Social Media Mining: An Introduction (Ebook)
- Feature Selection
- Deep Learning at VU University Amsterdam
- Deep Learning For Computer Vision
- Introduction to Deep Learning (with flavor of NLP)
- The Illustrated Machine Learning website
- Machine Learning Engineering
- Introduction to Data Mining
- Deep Learning
- Deep Learning Systems
- Machine/Deep Learning Resources *
- Introduction to Deep Learning
- Introduction to Deep Learning
- Probabilistic Machine Learning: An Introduction
- Machine Learning University (MLU) from Amazon
- Machine Learning University-Explain
- Interpretable Machine Learning
- Introduction to Machine Learning (I2ML)
- Introduction to Deep Learning Course
- Introduction: Advanced Explainable AI for computer vision
- Deep Learning Drizzle *
- Introduction to Deep Learning (I2DL) (IN2346)
- Machine learning and Deep learning Fundamentals
- 60 Implementations/tutorials of deep learning papers with side-by-side notes
- Introduction to Information Retrieval (textbook)
- Introduction to Machine Learning, Machine Learning, Numerical Methods for Machine Learning and Data Science, Statistical Methods in AI and ML
- Google Python Style Guide
- Learn Makefiles
- Machine learning tutorials
- Path to a free self-taught education in Computer Science!
- Path to a free self-taught education in Data Science!
- Path to a free self-taught education in Bioinformatics!
- Path to a free self-taught education in Mathematics!
- Feature Engineering and Feature Selection
- Annotated Research Paper Implementations
- LaTeX Color Definitions
- React+TypeScript Cheatsheets
- Tailwind cheat sheet 1, 2, 3
- Mermaid Cheat Sheet
- Introduction to Machine Learning (University of California, Berkeley)
- Deep Learning for Coders with Fastai and PyTorch: AI Applications Without a PhD
- Deep Learning - NYU
- Notes on AI Topics
- Free Online IT Courses For Beginners
- Sharif University - Open Courses
- Sharif University - Machine Learning
- Test Smells [Persian]
- JavaScript Event KeyCodes
- Web Developer Checklist
- Grid 1, Grid 2, Flex
- Div Table
- SVG Waves, BG Jar
- Tiny Wow
- Icones
- Readme creator
- SVG icons/collections
- CSS Selectors: A Visual Guide
- CSS Loaders
- Feature Sliced Design
- 29 Websites For Free Icon Sets
- Create and share beautiful images of your source code, 2
- CSS grid cheat sheet
- CSS flexbox cheat sheet
- Math Solver
- Conventional Commits
- Glassmorphism CSS Generator 1, 2
- All Online Tools in “One Box”
- Access 13.3M+ vector icons & stickers
- Tools for Academic Research
- Freedom to choose icons
- A huge collection of SVG logos
- IcoMoon (Pixel Perfect Icon Solutions)
- Simple Icons
- All-in-one OSINT tool for analysing any website
- Fontello - icon fonts generator
- Tiny Helpers
- Online database diagram editor and SQL generator
- Create beautiful images of your source code
- ChestX-ray8 (Download)
- OpenML
- kaggle
- Paper With Code
- Registry of Open Data on AWS
- UC Irvine Machine Learning Repository
- Tensorflow Datasets
- Microsoft Open Data
- Azure Open Datasets
- Google Datasets Search
- COCO Dataset
- Hugging Face Datasets
- OASIS Dataset - The Open Access Series of Imaging Studies (brain)
- OpenNeuro: MRI, PET, MEG, EEG, and iEEG data
- Alzheimer’s Disease Neuroimaging Initiative
- Medical Information Mart for Intensive Care (MIMIC Dataset)
- The Research Resource for Complex Physiologic Signals (PhysioNet)
- 32,000 CT images (Download)
- ImageNet
- NBML (2)
- Advanced Open Tools and Datasets for Autonomous Driving
- Biostatistics Datasets
- Integrated Pattern Recognition and Biometrics Lab Datasets
- fastMRI